Monday, February 27, 2012

Pocky Sticks

Yesterday James and I went out to eat at this Chinese/Japanese place (Red Lantern). It seems to be "family owned restaurant". We ordered the dinner for two, which is a sweet deal as we get soup, appetizer, dinner and desert. I ordered a desert called "Pocky Ice Cream". For those who don't know "Pocky" is a Japanese snack that comes in different flavors.
When I received my desert I began laughing because their "Pocky Ice Cream" was not what I expected. I ordered the vanilla flavor and I received two plain vanilla scoops with ONE tiny pocky stick wannabe. I can't recall the last time I had a good laugh. I couldn't believe that they would call this "pocky ice cream".
The point of this occurrence was that I really need to laugh more often and be alive!
Another point to mention was the conversation I had with James which was a point of self reflection. He told me that when he had met me I was refusing to shop at Walmart and was big on organic "Whole Foods" purchases. I remembered what he was talking about. I remember having this wave of trying to Boycott Walmart and saw non-organic food as less than organic food. I told James about this point and then I pointed out that I am still against Walmart's dirty business however as of the current system boycotting one place changes nothing, and it certainly does not change the fact of "money" and how everything in Capitalism is set up to reflect people's economic stability thus shopping at Walmart is almost forced upon people who need to spend less money in order to survive within the current money system. So refusing or pulling back from certain stores isn't the effective way when it comes to the bigger picture. I told James that in order for a change to take place we must change the whole system itself, not try to change bits of the system that in the long run have no impact. We must move as a whole!

Perhaps then I would be getting a cheap pocky ice-cream that is expensive to purchase... :)

That is why supporting the emergence of the Equal Money System is the only support I can truly give. And being part of Desteni is the best decision I have made in order to support self and the bigger picture as that self. There is no turning back, only moving forward! (who we are, what we do) (investigate topics of interests and self) (place your vote for Equal Money System) (purchase products and support Equal Money System)

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