Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2012 How I Was Able to Hear the Desteni Message!

It is as simple as having your ears open and be actually ready to accept that there is another way to life that is NOT the product of abuse, suffering and survival.
The most important thing that clicked to me is that we create through our participation. I was able to see how participation in Religion, Sects, Wars, Capitalism, Communism, Spirituality, all the "isms" and so on is creating polarity of inferior and superior, a huge separation. I was able to see that this polarity is deliberately in place so that few can have and many can suffer, including animals and plants. I was able to see that none of this actually makes sense in what life should be because Earth offers its resources to us for everyone to share and co-exists. Life was "given" to everyone/thing equally, thus the rights for existing in the physical must be shared equally. I was able to see that it is ridiculously idiotic to believe in "life after death" from the perspective that we return to a "heaven" in some other dimension and NOT realize that life is actually HERE in the physical, that Earth is our "heaven"/home and we are destroying the very dimension that allows us to breathe and experience life in the physical. I saw that instead of worrying about some accession, acceptance of GOD or salvation, we should be seriously be worried about what we do to ourselves, to our existence NOW, to Earth, to each other and how we live with what has been offered for us HERE.
When the idea about the Equal Money System was suggested I immediately saw that it is the best idea ever suggested simply because the starting point was that of "what is best for all", rather than "how can we fuck over the next guy". In that moment I realized that YES everything we create does revolve around money and we have allowed money to be OUR GOD. We have allowed to place value in an object/means of exchange over the value of a life, over the value of what the psychical has to offer us....ALL of us. I looked at how money/gold has held the power and control over the centuries. I looked at the stupidity people have done til this day over money. We have agreed money to be our survival point, which is a huge mistake. So YES when Equal Money was suggested, there was no turning back=this is the answer to creating "heaven" on Earth.
Another important point that was presented to me at Desteni that I was able to hear is "Change begins with ourselves". It is to accept that we have fucked up and not just complain about it BUT actually DO something about it. I was able to open up to myself and look at myself, my life self honestly. Where, What, How, When and Why I participated in deception, what my starting point is in participating in anything for that matter. How to handle myself in future participation, how to make sure that I am stable, that I am clear about my starting point in participation within this world! What is important that supports the common good of all and what supports self interest. I was able to understand the principle of what Desteni stands for and work on myself to stand with that PRINCIPLE. One can name this "principle" many things: "Place yourself in the shoes of another"; "Do onto another as you want done to yourself"; "Love thy neighbor"; "Oness and Equality".....and so on. The bottom line is that principle is valid in all ways which is my validation of what is real.
Desteni is a group of people who see and realize the above mentioned points AND more. It is a group that sees behind the veil of deception and it is ready to offer a solution to everyone. One just needs to have their ears open and be ready to face the truth! There is NO room for EGO. If you have the EGO you will be blocked to hearing anything on the first place.
So for those who are ready, please join us in this transformational self process we as a group have taken into our hands. Be part of the solution!

Art Work by: Ann Van Den Broeck

http://wiki.destonians.com/Main_Page (who we are, what we do)
http://desteni.org/ (investigate topics of interests and self)
http://equalmoney.org/ (place your vote for Equal Money System)
http://eqafe.com/ (purchase products and support Equal Money System)

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