Sunday, November 20, 2011

Space Invasion

Today my mom came in the house with a few baby items she had gotten from friends for the baby. She brought them into the house and stored them downstairs. This was just a few items from all that I am supposed to receive for when I give birth. As she was carrying the items into the house I began to feel this space invasion feeling. I had a thought or a picture of when and how I will be using these items, of the baby coming into the family physically and how different things may be when the baby finally "arrives". Up until now I have been on a pretty set schedule of taking care of myself and having "my space" around and "my time" to do whatever. Of course "my time" also involves "James time" as well and how we move each other everyday. It's like the two of us moving together and now there will be a third being that we have to consider within that time frame and it will no longer be just James and Anna. When this series of thoughts arose within me I experienced this feeling of space invasion and it felt constricting, unpleasant in a way.
I realize I will have to adjust myself and how I move myself daily according to the baby's needs as it grows and it feels kind of scary because it is unknown (sort of), it is new to me, something that I have not gone through before and I have no idea of.
It shouldn't be that scary. I mean I do have support from family. I am not walking this "alone" and just like any new "experience"/movement it will be strange at first, but breath remains. I can walk this breath by breath. I can "settle" this, move myself and adjust myself to what is necessary.
I can do this, no need to fear. I am am grateful for talking to Sunette and walking with her from the perspective of assistance and solutions.I am grateful for my mom and James mom taking care of the baby items I will require to use and for the help I will be receiving with handling a baby. I am grateful for James being here with me and walking with me. And I am grateful for my three cats as they too are walking with me here. And I am grateful for having three "homes" I can go to any time for support. (who we are, what we do) (investigate topics of interests and self) (place your vote for Equal Money System) (purchase products and support Equal Money System)

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