Sunday, August 21, 2011

Irritations at work

One of my biggest irritations at work are the long hours that I am required to work.
I wake up in the morning at 630ish. I get to work by 730. Then my whole day is basically spent there. I am supposed to be out by 430, however that is never the case. I get an hour unpaid break to make 8 hours for the day.  But in reality I am there for 9hours and plus.
When I get home I am exausted and if there were things I had to take care of I no longer have the will to do so. And there are plenty of other things to be done around the house, desteni related things, and actual time for a pleasant fun activity.
I see myself slacking a lot of the time, because when the weekend comes I dont know where to so most of the time I end up doing nothing of any of the things I would have planned to do for myself.  When I worked less hours I was able to plan myself much better. I looked at some of my written work last year and there was so much more imput. I was writing poems, I was more active in desteni, I was more active with myslf in general. This sucks. I certainly do not plan on staying at this job for too long for the only outcome I get of it is my tiny paycheck to take care of monthly bills. And even then it is not enough. The other outcome is the actual work I get to do with the toddlers. However that only lasts upto a certain point of the day-as much as I can give to them. Afterwards I start to loose patience and want to leave. It would be nice if it was half days and 2 shifts.
The other irritation is having to be by myself all day because of how they have set up their system. The ratio is 1 teacher per 5 toddlers. A second teacher should be a requirement. As one prepares activities, the other can be occupied with the children. There is always multiple things that need to be done around the room and having to watch the children and do others things by myself is def not in the best interest of the children and the teacher. 
I wake up fresh everyday willing to do things and move myself, only to spent all day at work and not do any of the things I was willing to do. 
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